Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2018 Will See 6 Teams From Malaysian Universities Compete Against The Best Student Built Energy Efficient Cars In Asia Pacific & the Middle East

Make the Future Singapore is a free festival celebrating bright energy ideas and innovation throughout Asia. The festival’s main focus is to  hands-on experiences and if that is not possible, virtual reality experiences to the people so that they can understand what is happening in energy consumption right now as well as what the future of energy and its usage will look like. A big part of this exhibition the Shell Eco-marathon Asia, where students from 18 countries from the Asia Pacific and the Middle East regions will compete against one another using their self-built energy efficient vehicles.

The Shell Eco-marathon Asia, where over 120 student teams from 18 countries in the regions mentioned above will put their self-built energy-efficient cars to the test. The competition is one of the world’s longest-running student competitions and is a global programme that challenges bright student to design and build ultra-energy-efficient cars, and then put them to the test in this competition.

Make the Future Singapore 2018 will be represented by seven Malaysian teams comprising 115 students from six universities. We have high hopes in these teams as last year, team UiTM Eco-Sprint from UiTM Shah Alam emerged as champions for the fourth year in a row. This year, the team is passing the torch to Team UiTM Eco - Planet who will be competing in the Hydrogen category. 

From past events, it has been proven that Malaysians have been pretty consistent and innovative in this competition. Teams like the UiTM Eco-Sprint proves that our students when given proper guidance and when they have their minds set on the task at hand, are able to compete on a larger scale. So every year, when we here at Motoring Malaysia receive news on the matter the teams and this competition have our utmost respect. 

When a company like Shell pumps money and effort into making our youth better, it is always a very good thing as the youths are our future. We don't want the next generation to just become camel jockeys. We need future thinkers and innovators. Why leave the engineering achievements to people from other places when we can nurture these local talents?

Anyway, representing Malaysia this year are seven (7) teams from six universities: –
Monash University Malaysia (two teams);
Multimedia University Melaka Campus;
Universiti Malaya;
Universiti Teknologi MARA;
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and
University Malaysia Pahang;

The Shell Eco-marathon Asia will include two key competitions this year. The first is the Mileage Challenge where teams compete to travel the farthest on the least amount of fuel. In 2017, the winning team of the Asian leg was efficient enough to travel 2,289 kilometres on just 1 litre of fuel. This is the distance from Singapore to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The second Shell Eco-marathon competition to take place this year in Singapore is Drivers’ World Championship Asia. The Drivers’ World Championship challenges the best UrbanConcept teams to combine the proven energy efficiency of their car with the speed and skill of their driver, in a race to see who can cross the finish line first on the least amount of fuel.

Make the Future Singapore and the Shell Eco-marathon Asia will take place at Singapore’s Changi Exhibition Centre from March 8 to 11, 2018. Do attend if you are free. 

(Press Release is after the photos)

 Sollehan  Suhana  Zainuddin,  manager  of  Team  UiTM  Eco-Planet  is  looking ahead  to  prove  the energyefficiency of  theirUrban Conceptvehicle in Shell Eco Marathon 2018 andearning a place  in  the Drivers' World ChampionshipAsia 2018.

(Second row from the top, L to R) Dr. Safari Bin Zainal, Senior Lecturer fromFaculty of Chemical Engineering,UniversitiTeknologi MARA, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hezri Bin Fazalul Rahiman, Senior Lecturer fromFaculty of Electrical Engineering,Universiti Teknologi MARA, Madam Amizon Binti Azizan, Deputy Dean from Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Prof. Dr. Norazah Binti Abd Rahman, Dean from Faculty of Chemical Engineering,Universiti Teknologi MARA, Prof. Ir. Dr. Haji Muhammad Azmi Ayub, Dean fromFaculty of Mechanical Engineering,Universiti Teknologi MARAand Dr. Azman Bin Mohd Yahaya, Deputy Dean fromFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA flag off UiTM Eco-Planet team to compete at the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2018 in Singapore;a unique competition that challenges students to build a vehicle that can travel the furthest using the least amount of energy.

Malaysian Students to compete in Singapore As Shell’s Make the Future ASIA Festival Returns for a Second Year
  • Seven futuristic cars from Malaysia will challenge their peers on the Shell Eco Marathon Track with their own energy – efficient designs.
  • Shell Eco Marathon is the headline act with over 120 student teams from Asia Pacific and the Middle East competing in the Asian leg of this worldwide programme
  • New technical designs from the Malaysian Monash UC Team to the unveiled on-track, bringing their fuel efficiency to the next level
22 February 2018, Make the Future Singapore this year will be represented by seven Malaysian teams comprising 115 students from six universities. Last year, team UiTM Eco-Sprint from UiTM Shah Alam emerged as champions for the fourth year in a row. This year, the team is passing the torch to Team UiTM Eco - Planet who will be competing in the Hydrogen category.

Make the Future Singapore, is a free festival celebrating bright energy ideas and innovations from across Asia. The festival’s focus is to offer virtual reality and hands-on experiences to understand what is happening currently when we power our world as well as a glimpse of what the future of energy might look like.

Headlining the festival is Shell Eco-marathon Asia, where over 120 student teams from 18 countries across Asia Pacific and the Middle East will put their self-built energy-efficient cars to the test. One of the world’s longest-running student competitions, Shell Eco-marathon is a global programme that challenges bright student minds to design and build ultra-energy-efficient cars, and then put them to the test in competition.

Representing Malaysia this year are seven (7) teams from six universities: –
  1. Monash University Malaysia (two teams);
  2. Multimedia University Melaka Campus;
  3. Universiti Malaya;
  4. Universiti Teknologi MARA;
  5. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and
  6. University Malaysia Pahang;
casting the limelight on Malaysia for producing some of the youngest innovative talents in science, technology, engineering and energy.

Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) Asia is a key platform for developing and nurturing youths in the areas of science, technology, engineering and energy fields. It also serves as an avenue for our Malaysian bright and future talents to discover ways of bringing their ideas to life by challenging their young minds to innovate and embrace a smart sustainable future. Shell Malaysia is proud to be partnering the students and universities to showcase Malaysian ideas and capabilities at this platform” explained Nimmi Kamal, Country Head, External Relations, Shell Malaysia.

SEM plays a major role in developing the students’ ability to integrate knowledge across subjects by incorporating flipped learning and encouraging them to think in a more logical and holistic way.
To participate in SEM, each team will design and test their energy efficient vehicles, therefore, exposing them to the investigative skills of science, analytical skills of mathematics and inventive skills of engineering. This is very much taking the principles of STEM which is designed to provide students with the opportunity to investigate information provided to them in order to understand it based on their own experiences; also known as contextual learning.

Thus, SEM designed to push the boundaries makes learning more relevant as students learn based on current and real-world situations.” continued Nimmi.

This is also in line with the Malaysian government’s aspiration for Transformasi National 2050 (TN50), driving Malaysia’s vision to be amongst the top 20 nations recognised for creativity and innovation.

The 2018 Malaysian Shell Eco Marathon Teams

This year Team Monash UC will be introducing cruise control technology, as well as their own driver assist system to calculate the ideal steering angle when tuning corners to ensure their urban concept car does not lose momentum at corners thus maintaining an even and efficient burn of Hydrogen throughout the race.

For Team UiTM Eco-Planet, it is a female empowered initiative. This year, the team welcomed 13 female engineers to further develop and design their entry. The team manager, also a female and two other female engineers will make up the team of eight (8) engineers travelling to Singapore for the Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2018.

First time participants University Malaysia Pahang, were successful at the qualifiers and will be travelling down to Singapore for their first Shell Eco Marathon Asia race. UMP-Tech have set-up a dedicated Facebook link and videos to share their journey to Singapore.

Below is the list of participating teams for Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2018.

University Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Battery Electric
University of Malaya
Grüne Welt
Multimedia University Melaka Campus
Battery Electric
Monash University, Malaysia
Team Monash UC
Monash University, Malaysia
Urban Concept
Genesis UTAR
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Battery Electric
UiTM Eco-Planet
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam
Urban Concept

2017 Shell Eco-Marathon Malaysian Team past winners
  1. Team UiTM Eco-Sprint from UiTM Shah Alam emerged as champions for the fourth year in a row. This year, the team is passing the torch to Team UiTM Eco - Planet who will be competing in the Hydrogen category.

Shell Eco-marathon Asia will include two key competitions this year. The longest running competition is the Mileage Challenge where teams compete to travel the farthest on the least amount of fuel. In 2017, the winning team of the Asian leg was efficient enough to travel 2,289 kilometres – the distance from Singapore to Chiang Mai, Thailand – on just one litre of fuel!

The second Shell Eco-marathon competition to take place this year in Singapore is Drivers’ World Championship Asia. Introduced to the Shell Eco-marathon programme in 2016, Drivers’ World Championship challenges the best UrbanConcept teams to combine the proven energy efficiency of their car with the speed and skill of their driver, in a race to see who can cross the finish line first on the least amount of fuel.

For the first time, Shell Eco-marathon Asia will welcome entrants from Kazakhstan, which will be represented by two universities. Students from Kazakhstan National Technical University will compete with a unique ethanol-powered car designed to perform under extreme weather and temperature conditions, mirroring Kazakhstan’s diverse climate which ranges from -40C in winter to +40C in summer.

New at the festival this year will be Make the Future Singapore Lates, a special after-hours event on 9 March for those aged 18 and older. Adults have the opportunity to explore the Festival at night, participate in discussions around the energy future, while enjoying live performances and unique food and drinks offerings. Visitors can also share their views at an open-format casual forum about the future of energy.

Festival visitors are invited to experience a range of different activities:
  • Watch as over 120 Shell Eco-marathon Asia student teams compete to see who can travel the farthest on the least amount of fuel, culminating in the Drivers’ World Championship Asia.
  • Enjoy exclusive access to the paddocks and technical inspection areas and a behind-the-scenes look at innovative cars of the future
  • Get your groove on at the kinetic dancefloor and discover what it's like to generate electrical energy just by dancing
  • Get competitive as you build and race your own cars powered by nothing but saltwater
  • Immerse yourself in virtual reality experiences and enter an Energy Theatre to experience what our future world will look like
  • Enjoy live performances by international and Singapore artistes including Gentle Bones, Charlie Lim, Jasmine Sokko and MICappella
  • Chat with young scientists and energy entrepreneurs at The Bright Ideas Challenge and Shell #IdeaRefinery

Make the Future Festivals is Shell’s global platform for conversation, collaboration and innovation around the world’s energy challenges: how to generate more energy, while producing less CO2 emissions. With events hosted in countries around the globe, they aim to provide an opportunity for multiple stakeholders: including students, entrepreneurs, businesses, governments and the public, to experience, test and contribute bright energy ideas.

Returning to Singapore for a second year, Make the Future Singapore will take place at Singapore’s Changi Exhibition Centre from March 8 to 11, 2018.

Make the Future Festivals has six Global Partners:
  • Agility: Technical Partner
  • Altair: Technical Partner
  • HP: Festival Partner
  • The Linde Group: Technical Partner
  • Southwest Research Institute: Technical Partner
  • Toyota: Festival Partner

Make the Future Singapore 2018 is held with support from the Singapore Tourism Board, Ministry of Education, Science Centre Singapore, Innosparks, Strides Transportation and Borneo Motors.

For more information on Make the Future Singapore and to register for free priority tickets, please visit

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