Wednesday, September 04, 2024

VIDEO: First Real World Drive of the new Facelifted 2025 Proton X70 in Sabah - Our initial impressions about Proton's best selling SUV

New video below folks! PROTON invited members of the media, from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak to try out the newly launched, facelifted 2025 Proton X70 1.5TGDi SUV over in Sabah.. This was held in conjunction with the X70's official launch in East Malaysia. Something new and something which we believe is a good move as East Malaysia is now a major local market for Proton. 

This SUV features a new front and rear end, a new dashboard featuring a larger, faster infotainment system, a redesigned digital instrument cluser and ambient lighting. There is also a new steering wheel and a new grey, charcoal two tone interior. There are so many improvements underneath that improves NVH, throttle response as well as a slight 4% improvement in fuel efficiency. 

Now the condition of the roads and the weather made this drive from Kota Kinabalu to Ranau and Kundasang made it perfect for a drive. It had the potholed roads of the city (due to construction as well as the usual lack of upkeep) and up through the sweeping corners of the mountainside with the majestic cloud covered Mount Kinabalu as the backdrop.

The Proton X70 SUV performed admirably there with its 1.5liter turbocharged petrol engine and I did enjoy the drive a fair bit. Of course, my drive mates and I, found one a fault which we all seemed to agree upon. This was the nuggety ride felt if you were a passenger at the rear. But yes, the X70 had great body control as a result but the thing is, it always had great body control.

But the reason for that was also uncovered at breakfast the following morning. There seems to be a batch or two worth of shocks fitted seem to have a harder rebound in them. A bit technical, but it will affect secondary ride of the car. Something I hope Proton would resolve by guiding their shock absorber suppliers a little more. In fact, it it were me, I'd hit the vendors with a stick for letting this happen. 

Anyway, the chaps at Proton are aware this seemingly isolated incident. So you can watch all of that in the video and you should. As I still think that if you want a proper SUV for RM120K thereabouts, this is the best for Malaysian roads and that at the price, no one comes close in terms of size, equipment and actual tuning done to the car compared to the newer China made SUVs now flooding, I mean, entering the market.

 Watch the video above and find out.

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