Monday, November 04, 2019

Volkswagen Passenger Cars Malaysia Halloween Special Video - Spooky VWs in Malaysia

This is a short video posted by the folks at Volkswagen Passenger Cars Malaysia in conjunction with this year's Halloween celebrations. Not going to write much but just to say go watch it. It covers the infamous or fictional or still unverified urban legend that is about that strange yellow coloured Volkswagen Beetle (the classic one, not the new ones) that seemingly haunts Karak Highway. I am sharing this a bit late as Halloween just passed us by.

Many stories of the car where people have spotted it on some dark and maybe not even stormy night where a yellow coloured Volkswagen Beetle was seen by motorists in and around the vicinity of the Karak Highway Menora Tunnel. This yellow terror was seen being driven by a headless person and most likely gave lots of fright to those that saw it. 

May I suggest taking down the number of the car if it passes by you? Of course, you must first be unafraid or not shocked as heck when a Beetle is driven by a person without a head. Why take down the number you may ask? Well, you may then head over to the nearest 4D shop and place a small bet. Who knows, there may be lady luck after that scary incident.

Anyway, just watch the video. They took some trouble making it. Ever since I have been making videos on YouTube, I do believe that sharing, is caring for those that have a channel over there. 

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