Saturday, February 09, 2019

Video: Vlog on the Facelifted W205 Mercedes-Benz C-Class at the Media Drive - C200 Avantgarde & C300 AMG-Line

Below is our first impressions vlog on the Facelifted W205 Mercedes-Benz C-Class - C200 Avantgarde & C300 AMG-Line. It isn't a review per se as we had covered the launch earlier here with this article. This was something I've decided to put together with some of the footage that I had shot during the media drive in November of last year. Kind of unique actually as this was mainly for my personal record of the drive. So it's just bits and pieces here for your viewing pleasure.

At the media drive of the new Mercedes-Benz C-Class facelift to Cameron Highlands, November 2018. This isn't a review but just a short look at both cars with my initial impressions on both of these cars. A written review will be on the Motoring Malaysia blog sometime soon. I've been a little occupied with my many pursuits. And we also have the Chinese New Year festivities to enjoy too. 

The jist of the vlog is that I found the Mercedes-Benz C200 AV is super refined and comfortable. It is softly sprung compared to the very sporty feeling C300 AMG-Line. The 184hp and 13hp EQ Boost 1.5liter turbocharged engine is quite a unique engine. It may be small in size but it makes up in refinement. It does feel smooth to the redline if you push it but you know it is only making the best from its small capacity 1.5liter engine.

The air suspension in the C300 makes the car just feel so resolved over bumpy roads yet still have coenering ability when needed. A complete sports sedan in the traditional sense. One can tour long distances in this. This is the most fun you can have in a Mercedes-Benz, not Mercedes-AMG, mind you. Definitely recommended if you want a blast down a countryside road. Don't think any Mercedes-Benz in Mercedes-Benz Malaysia's stable is this good in terms of a pure rear wheel drive type of feel - drive to the rear wheels and having an steering uncorrupted by power. In a Mercedes! 

 You may need a C63 S to feel more thrills per minute. 

I will get the review for both out shortly. Ah, only two hands and ten fingers. So many things to do at once.
C200 AV

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