Monday, June 27, 2016

Idiot Spotted on Social Media Holding Sleeping Baby on Steering Wheel Whilst Driving at 80kmh Without A Seatbelt Also.

This photo was taken off a social media website. Look how silly this chap is. The caption in the photo says "BAPAK DRIVE TAPI DIA NAK TIDUR JUGAK. TIDUR KAT STEERING. MUJUR JALAN KAMPUNG. 80KMJ SHJ "- Father is driving but the child wants to sleep. Sleeps on the steering. Luckily this is a village road. Only going 80kmh. 

What the hell is wrong with this person?
Not enough oxygen going to his skullcap covered brain issit? 80kmh is NOT SLOW. At 80kmh you can lose control of any vehicle if certain things happen. I know as I have had the opportunity to try such events in a controlled environment. At 80kmh, people can still die given the circumstances.

The car this numbskull is driving looks like an airbag equipped Proton. This is a kampung road. The chances of stray cows, chickens, small children, motorcycles, bicycles suddenly darting out from a side road is actually high. The chances where suddenly the road is uneven is also high. The chances of an accident occuring is actually as high as in the city. Note in the villages children ride their bicycles, motorcycles without a helmet and recklessly sometimes. Now look at this buttplug, he is also NOT WEARING HIS SEATBELT. 

Imagine if suddenly a small accident happens. The airbag may be deployed, which explodes right into the sleeping baby which is also then crushed between the fathead as he moves forward caused by inertia as he is not restrained in his seat. You will have a very dead baby whose death would be by getting crushed by a deployed airbag (think a faulty Takata airbag cases and what damage it could do) and also by an idiotic shit for brains father. 

Note that this buffoon is wearing a skullcap with a PAS logo. This is an Islamic political party. What it tells me is that these people do not think much. They just think they just want to go to heaven and nothing else by the looks of it. This dimwitted sloth thinks nothing will happen to him. This is so typical of people who do not know what is actually right or what is wrong. 


And if some of you think that he is going to get 'pahala' from my rant of calling him various names think again la...You think my name calling is a bigger sin than his stupidity? He is not a responsible adult. That is something I cannot tolerate. He is just 'Bodoh'.

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